What are you praying for, hoping for and dreaming of accomplishing? Are you all in and ready for the next level or is there something that is holding you back? During my month-long hiatus, I had to ask myself these same questions about my business, my relationships and life in general. The resounding answer came to me in the form of a sermon from @jadaedwards, of #OneCommunityChurch. The answer that was revealed loud and clear said, "you cannot find rest in a place that you don't trust." I was immediately convicted and had to ask myself....
Do I fully trust that I will be successful in my work?
Do I believe there is safety and acceptance for me in relationships?
Do I trust that God will allow me to experience true peace on this side of heaven? To truly experience the rest that I desire, there are several growth gaps that I need to work through, to build trust in those areas. "My Action Plan for Peace" includes more authentic connection, more play and more movement. What about you? Is it time to hit the reset button? Is it time to do things differently? Are there areas in your life where you are trusting God to make a major move, but you lack the complete trust that will transport you to your next destination? Let's talk about it. Schedule your Create! Session today and together we will build your Action Plan for Peace! "Father God, I thank you for giving me beauty for my ashes and praise where there is pressure." - Amen