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What's Your Theme Word for 2024?

Peace & Gratitude to You & for You.

It's Vision Board Time! Are you ready?

Have you given any thought to what your theme word or empowering phrase for 2024 will be?

I've settled on the word Authentic as a point of reference for my vision.

In part, my vision for 2024 is to show up authentically as myself in all aspects of my life. I envision making connections, closing deals, getting paid, and showing up for myself and others, authentically.

This might sound simple to you, but for me this is a BIG DEAL.       

For so many years, I've had to put on my hypothetical corporate hat in all of my dealings.

I've never truly felt free to show up authentically as me, which is why I chose Renewal as my theme word for 2023. I'm so glad that I had the foresight to do that because, I've been able to arrive at this new place of authenticity by allowing the renewal process to unfold in my life.

I've done the work to replace or repair every area that was worn out, run-down, or broken. 

I am now heading into the new year and into my new season with full expectancy that it is safe for me to be me.... authentically.

Today, I invite you to take out your journal and simply write down all the things that you are grateful for. Who are you grateful for and what are the things that bring joy to your heart?

Expressing gratitude is the first step in creating your new vision board with purpose and intention.

With Gratitude,


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