As a Peace Coach, I'm often asked why I choose to pursue Peace and what kind of things bring me Peace. In all honesty, I choose Peace because it wasn't present in my life for a very long time. In my early years I had to deal with a lot of stuff. One of the most memorable is a relationship in my mid-twenties that made me question who I was and what I stood for. I wish that I could say I made all the right choices in handling my hurt, but I can't. Today I'm a completely different person. I made a lot of selfish choices that have had lasting affects in my life. What I know now is that I forgive myself for not taking the time to properly grieve the loss of the relationship and for not allowing myself sufficient time to heal. As a commitment to my peace and mental health, I surround myself with people and things that bring me Peace and provide opportunities to release tension. I created my first Peace Map several years ago to intentionally call Peace into my life. My Peace Map has evolved over the years but I can truly say the things that are on it now, bring me unspeakable Peace. Did you notice A Different World seasons 2-6 on my Peace Map? I am absolutely in love with the evolution of Dwayne and Whitley's love story on the show. I'm also captivated by the quality and substance of the show. It really details some serious life lessons and cultural awareness. A piece of my heart has been broken since Netflix removed the show from their catalog on March 15th. If anyone reading this has any influence at Netflix, please tell them to add it back. Another one of my peace providers is Brussels Sprouts. Yes, I said Brussels Sprouts. No matter how you cook them, I will eat them. I've even chopped them up and added them in my green smoothie recipes. If you haven't already, take a few minutes to consider those things that accentuate Peace in your life and create a Peace Map! PeaceMode, Melissa
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