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Tip #5 Take Time to Relax

Good Morning Peace Seekers! Happy Saturday to you all. What’s on your agenda for today? Do you have big plans for your weekend? Saturday’s around my house are either really busy or extremely laid back and easy. Today I am hoping for a laid back, easy kind of day. I like to call these days “rejuvenation days.” We all need those days to relax and dump everything from our work week. If you’re fortunate enough to have your Saturday off, take time to relax, relate and release all your cares and concerns. Focus on peace and renewed strength. Saturday’s are also a great time to create your peace strategy for the next week. It’s simple to do, just find a few scriptures and quotes that speak directly to you and then write down one or two thoughts about what each one means to you. Your peace strategy is a great way to state your intentions for each day and an awesome way to love yourself to peace! However you decide to spend your day, be sure to honor yourself by doing things that bring you peace! My tip for today:

“Take Time To Relax.” Relaxation plays a huge part in establishing peace in your life. I’m going to keep today’s post short so I can get back to my day of rejuvenation. I challenge you to do the same. #loveme2peace Find Peace and Be Well.

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