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Tip #4 Don't Be Afraid to Ask For Help

Good Morning Peace Seekers and Happy Friday! We are rolling right along into Day 4 of our #loveme2Peace campaign. Thank you to everyone that has commented or liked the posts so far. I greatly appreciate your support of this blog. My goal is to provide you with relevant tips and advice to help you in your journey of self- love and self-care. So yesterday I did something totally out of character for me. I asked for help. My schedule was packed, my mind was on overload and my body was exhausted. I picked up the phone, called a friend and I asked for help. This may sound simple to you but for me, this is HUGE! Every morning I make a list, I check it twice and I keep checking it until everything has been completed. In my mind, lists help me stay focused and on task. My only problem is that I tend to overdo it. I don’t heed the warnings of mental exhaustion and broken concentration. I keep going. For me to phone a friend and ask for help was awesome and a bit liberating. I’m learning that I don’t have to be all and do all to be successful. Life is not a race; it’s a journey that is meant to be enjoyed and shared with those who care about you. With that said, my tip for today is: Tip #4 Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help There is peace, love and support in asking for help. When you allow others to support you in your journey, you’re not only helping yourself, you’re helping them as well. While you're learning to give up control and collaborate, they are learning the power of being a friend and supporter. We learn to nurture one another by actually doing it!  As we enter into the weekend, find time to ask someone for help. Keep it simple, we don’t want to stress anyone out. It’s astonishing how many people are willing to support you if they are given the opportunity.

In this moment I would like to thank the following female small business owners for supporting SUGA Wellness Boutique. Tonya M. Cross of Accented Glory and The Vine Event Planning. Keisha Roberts of Keisha Roberts Ministries and Erica Allen of Executive Healthcare. These ladies are doing phenomenal things in their business and they’ve been a great support to me. Your homework for this weekend is to ask for help. Find Peace and Be Well!

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