Exoudus 17:7 And he called the place Massah and Meribah because the Israelites quarreled and because they tested the Lord saying, "Is the Lord among us or not?" Numbers 20:13 These were the waters of Meribah where the Israelites quarreled with the Lord and where he showed himself holy among them. In both Old Testament Books, the Israelites find themselves in the same predicament. They were thirsty and in need of a drink of water. God showed concern on both occasions, in the book of Exodus God commanded Moses to "strike" the rock so that water would come forth for the people to drink and in the book of Numbers, he commanded Moses to "speak" to the rock so that water would come forth. The first time around (Exodus), Moses completed his test with no problem but 37 years later when faced with the same test (Numbers), at the same exact location, Moses did not do so well. The place was called Meribah and it literally means the place of testing and arguing. Instead of following God's command and showing him honor by letting the people know that God had once again moved on their behalf, Moses took matters into his own hands. His actions caused him to miss out on entering into the Promised Land that God had prepared for his chosen people. In our everyday tests, we oftentimes get too comfortable in our roles and with our responsibilities. We begin to take for granted the position that God has placed us in. We tend to get careless and may even think we are the reason that things work out the way that they do, instead of God working in our life! This tainted mindset keeps us from realizing God's promises in our life. What tests or arguments are you presently confronted with? Take time to recount the many ways that God has blessed you and be sure to acknowledge him in all your ways. God never wastes an opportunity, so glean from every situation and trust that God is always working on your behalf! ~To God Be The Glory~ Dear Lord, thank you for your many blessings. We give you thanks in everything, knowing that it all works together for our good. On this day, we are humbled by your love and concern for us and we strive to honor you with each breath that we take. You are an awesome God! In Jesus Name, Amen! ~SUGA~
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