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Had to be God

1 John 1: 3-4  (The Message Bible) 3-4We saw it, we heard it, and now we're telling you so you can experience it along with us, this experience of communion with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. Our motive for writing is simply this: We want you to enjoy this, too. Your joy will double our joy! Today is a day of reflection, a day to look back over the past year of your life and take notice of how you've grown in your spiritual, personal and professional life. Take notice of the things that you used to do but have no desire to do now. Notice your point of view and your mind-set. Do you focus on the negative things in life or are you now willing to push through the negative and see a brighter picture. Yesterday I realized a great harvest in my life, both spiritually and personally. A place that had recently been filled with strife and torment was suddenly filled with peace! As I walked around in this place of  peace and claimed  victory in it, all I could say was "it had to be God."  Only God could have moved this grand disturbance completely out-of-the-way. See, I am a firm believer in showing up to praise God on his appointed days. Don't get me wrong, everyday is a gift from God but yesterday was a day of harvest. Harvest means to reap the benefit of your labor and I can really say that I reaped a grand benefit! I witness to you, only to give you hope. Hope for peace, hope for deliverance and hope for a brighter future. Many situations can be changed but it comes through faith. One's faith is developed only by studying God's word and continuously praising Him. Praising God allows us to see a new picture of who we are and who we were created to be. Once you get a glimpse of that new picture, lock into it and keep it loaded in your mind! Thought for today: "Make Him Great in this Place!" Much Love, Mrs. Misenheimer

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